Adults and Braces - Not Just for Kids Anymore

Just hearing the word “braces” can take many of us back to our childhood — that painful era when we wore unattractive glasses, endured unflattering haircuts, and carried a mouthful of metal braces to complete the awkward adolescent look. Despite the common assumption that braces are for kids, more and more adults are choosing to pursue orthodontics to correct their smiles.  Approximately 25% of all orthodontic patients in North America are adults!

Braces for Adults
Perhaps you never had braces as a kid and your crooked teeth embarrass you. Or you went through a round of braces a decade or two ago and stopped wearing your retainer, which allowed your teeth to shift. Whatever your personal history, adult orthodontic treatment is an excellent way to create the straight, beautiful smile you deserve.

What Are My Options?
With recent advances in orthodontics, there are numerous options for adults who need braces. The basic option is traditional metal braces. These are best for individuals who have severely crooked teeth or a significant bite problem, or require other major orthodontic changes. Metal braces are typically the least expensive option. The greatest drawback to wearing metal braces as an adult is aesthetics. Many people find them unattractive and distracting.

If you are worried or self-conscious about your personal appearance, clear ceramic braces may be a better choice. Clear braces are capable of handling very crooked teeth or bite issues, just like metal braces.  In our office, there is no additional cost for clear ceramic braces compared to metal braces! Yellow and stained clear braces are a thing of the past.  Ceramic braces do not stain with red wine, coffee, tea, and other dark foods or beverages.

Another popular option for adults who need braces is a clear aligner treatment, such as Invisalign®. This system works in a different way from traditional braces by applying a series of clear, removable aligners. After careful diagnosis and treatment planning, Dr. Chow customizes and programs a series of aligners for your teeth, moving your teeth in small increments towards your final result.  The vast majority of our Invisalign treatments do not cost more than if the patient was treated with traditional fixed braces. In general, the Invisalign process takes anywhere from six to 18 months to complete.

Although you may be nervous about the prospect of getting braces as an adult, you should not let your fears stop you from having a complimentary consultation with Dr. Chow.  We promise that you will learn a plethora of information about adult orthodontics, your teeth, and the various treatments for you. No matter what your personal situation, adult orthodontics can be a great way to boost your confidence and create the smile you’ve always dreamed of.

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